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Here's What We Think

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Retail Therapy: 7 Ways to Take Advantage

American society lends itself to impulse shopping. End caps are filled with sale items, convenience items are placed within easy reach, and the “Buy Now” button is hard to resist. Why do we keep falling into these retail therapy traps time and time again? Brain chemistry plays a big role in our impulse purchases. In this article we'll see why we gravitate towards impulse purchases and how we can keep our budget on track.

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Investing Wisdom: Lessons from Warren Buffett's Annual Letter

Unlock essential insights from Warren Buffett's shareholder letter, prioritizing long-term strategies over short-term trends. Explore AI's evolution in investment and its shift from hype to practicality. With Election Day nearing, understand the minimal impact of political outcomes on market performance, advocating for a consistent, long-term investment approach. Trust informed decision-making for enduring success.

Investment Insights
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Financial Resolve: A Humorous Guide to Setting Resolutions and Planning for Success

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it's a golden opportunity to evaluate our financial standing, learn from the past, and set meaningful resolutions for the future. Just as we make personal resolutions for self-improvement, setting financial goals can pave the way for a prosperous and secure future. To guide you through this process, we've crafted a light-hearted yet effective flow chart to help you navigate the maze of financial resolutions.

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Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom

The arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked debates on the impact it will have on the world. In education, concerns range from academic integrity challenges to misinformation and skill development. Teachers adapt as AI evolves, emphasizing learning and critical thinking to navigate the changing landscape. Parents can play a role by discussing AI, promoting original work, and encouraging critical evaluation.
